Sunday, January 29, 2012

22 months

My little big girl is 22 months old.  I absolutely cannot believe she is almost 2. I have started thinking about her 2nd birthday party....Crazy!  She has changed and grown so much since she turned one.  I really wanted to write an update because she has started doing a lot of new and super cute things.  She started singing this month!  She sings "Be Our Guest", the "Good Morning" song from dance class, Twinkle twinkle, she sings part of the Abcs, and sometimes just joins in with whatever she hears playing.  It's amazing how she picks up on the words of songs and has favorites. She counts..."1,2,3,4,9" or mostly just "3,4,9".  She talks all the time and in full sentences. She wants to do a lot of things herself ("I do myself") such as putting her coat and shoes on or off and getting dressed.  It is nice that she wants to, but also takes a lot of extra time.  The other day she even wanted to change her own diaper.  Yay, that didn't go so well.
She had another big first this past month.  She spent 5 days and nights with her grandmas while mommy and daddy were in Florida (separate post to come on that).  She did wonderful!  Hopefully next time we go, she will come along!
She Loves this castle, but someone always has to play with her in it.  It's a tight squeeze, but worth it!


Putting on Mommy's shoes

When she puts on  this crown she magically becomes "Princess Fiona"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

31 weeks

I made my birth plan during my appointment yesterday.  I also had to pre-register for the hospital stay.  So, we are all set to go!  Baby sounds good. We actually heard her hiccuping with the doppler this time. She is very active and it gets a little uncomfortable, but totally worth it.  She is measuring right on between 31 and 32 weeks. 
Her big sister is finally starting to understand that mommy has a baby... I think.  If I ask her where her baby sister is she says "yummy".  So, still a little confused.  But she called the crib her baby sister's and the blanket I have in it.  She then proceeded to throw the blanket off of the crib.  I think we may have jealousy issues.  But, she loves babies so hopefully she will be excited when it is time. 
I sold all her old bedding and the stuff that went with it so the nursery will look a lot different than when it was hers. 

Here is the babe and I at 31 weeks!

And just for fun here is Irelyn at I at 31 weeks

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, New Room, New Bed

I've been slacking about blogging about Irelyn's big move.  She has been in her new room and big girl (twin bed) for 3 weeks now.  She has done AMAZING!  It did only take her 1 1/2 weeks to figure out how to get out, but she only did it that one time because she was throwing a fit that night.  And that was a tough night because the night before she got sick and threw up all night so she got to sleep with Daddy or Mama in many different random places in the house.  (We had to keep moving after one place got full of puke).
After the first night, she was so excited and kept exclaiming "I slept in big bed!" Joe slept on the couch downstairs for the first few nights, although I'm not really sure why because she did great, but I wasn't going to say anything because it gave me a few nights of not worrying about anything.
I think the person it has been the hardest on is actually....ME.  I know she is fine, but she feels too far away and after the night she got out I think I have been a little more nervous about her getting up.  I don't like sleeping with the monitor on. If she does wake up or make noise I feel like I have to go check on her rather than let her just go, because I worry she is out of bed or something.  Really kind of irrational fears. It isn't too bad when Joe is home, but he seems to be gone a lot for work or fun and I wish I could just let her sleep with me when he is gone, but I know that would totally screw up her good sleep pattern so I never do. I would also feel more comfortable with a video monitor just to see what she is doing and that she is fine, but my gosh, I looked them up and they are expensive!
I know it is still a transition and she is used to it, Joe doesn't care about anything, and I will get used to it.  At least I get to sleep with my other baby girl every night!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 Recap...Happy 2012!!

A few of the more memorable moments of 2011....

January- Grandpa (Great-Grandpa Kime) passes away during surgery.  Irelyn starts her first swim lessons.

February- Irelyn starts walking.  Packers win Super Bowl.

March- Irelyn turns 1 year old!  Celebrate with Princess party at home.  Erica and Jud come from Florida to help us celebrate.

April- First (of many) trip to the Children's Museum.  Easter 2011.

May- Mother's Day.  Brewer's trip.  Syttendae Mai Parade.  Memorial Day weekend at the cabin.

June- Our 2 year Anniversary. 2 mile fun walk at Irving Pertszch.  First (of many) trip to the splash park.  Blue's Fest at Trempealeau Hotel. Father's Day.

July- Riverfest- Irelyn participates in the baby races. We find out we are having another baby! Trip to Lark Toys.  Logger's game.  First trip to the beach.

August-  Trip to Bayfield, WI.

September- Stepping out in Pink 5 mile walk.  Maple Leaf Parade.

October- It's a GIRL!  Ferguson's Apple Orchard. My first Packer game at Minnesota.  Spooktacular @ La Crosse Center.  Trick or treating as Minnie Mouse.

November- Trip to Chula Vista, Wisconsin Dells.  Dad paints living room. Irelyn uses the toilet for the first time.  Irelyn begins attending "Wee Move" at Children's Museum every Wednesday. Thanksgiving.

December- Cut down Christmas tree.  Rotary Lights parade.  Christmas 2011.  A beautiful angel we love enters heaven, but will be remembered in our hearts forever.