Yes, It's Tuesday and I am just getting around to writing about our little crazy weekend.
Friday night I went with Joe to his bowling league to hang out with girlfriends/wives of the guys. I haven't been able to go in a long time so it was a nice little night out.
Saturday morning Irelyn and I were going to go to Downtown Days in La Crosse for painting pumpkins, watching performers, old fashioned photos and what not, but the weather was so mad I doubt anything happened. We stayed home in the morning and I went with my mom and sister to a craft show during nap then ran to Target.
I got home and Joe and Irelyn ran to the mall so Joe could do something with video games...
Lyla and I were just hanging out and playing. After I while I was holding her on my lap and we were kissing and she was chewing on my face she moved to my ear and her I pulled her away to find her choking briefly. I got really scared and ended up tipping her down and hitting her back. Didn't even have time to think. But she was fine and smiling within a few seconds, but after feeling my ear I knew she swallowed my earring. After a brief freak out and Joe getting home exactly at the same time, I calmed down and we thought she would just pass it, but called the nurse line just to be sure. I left a message and we decided to make dinner and carve a pumpkin. The nurse called back shortly and said we needed to go to the ER.
I drove Lyla down and everything went really fast at first we went right through to the triage nurse and then right back to the ER room and the doctor walked right in. He just said first we needed an x-ray. So we waited a little while for that and then the very nice x-ray man came to get us. Lyla did great and we took a fast x-ray which immediately showed the earring. (still made I never asked to see it). Then the really long wait came with only brief interactions with the nurse who knew nothing and the doctor who was waiting for the peds GI doctor to tell him what to do. Apparently there was discussion about which was more risky- leaving it or an endoscopy. Ultimately it was more risky to perform an endoscopy on a 7 month old and they decided to let it pass- Thank God. Which it did on Monday. About 2.5 hours all and all at the ER and Lyla did awesome! I knew she was going to get tired and most likely a little hungry and I started to freak out a little when they told me I couldn't feed her in case they needed to go in and get it, but again she did awesome. A little antsy, but no crying!
Sunday I took Irelyn to church. She was so sad when I left to take Lyla the night before and wanted me to stay home soo bad it broke my heart. I knew she needed some Mommy time. She was quite cute. She ended up sitting in the pew in front of me with some girl we didn't even know. She was about 8 or 9 and slowly Irelyn moved closer and closer to her and eventually even laid her head on her shoulder. I have never seen her do anything like this, except she does take to 19-20 year old boys quite well.
After church we went home and picked up Dad and Lyla and went to meet my cousin and his girlfriend and Fat Sam's in downtown La Crosse. We had never been there and it was good. Joe really enjoyed it. Me being the picky eater that I am thought it was just okay.
After naps we went to Texas Roadhouse with G&G Eberhardt. Irelyn's cold was raging by this point and she didn't eat anything and when she did try she put too much corn in her mouth and threw it up into a napkin in my hands. Other than that it was good. Lyla was awesome as usual and the food was very good.
And to end this interesting weekend the Packers had any AMAZING game after a bunch of disappointing loses!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
2 and 4 and a half
I feel like I haven't updated all the craziness that is Irelyn lately so I thought I would try and document a little of Irelyn Loraine at 2 and a half.
She is at the age that people ask her how old she is and she says "2 and 4 and a half". I do not understand where the 4 comes from and correct here every time, but it continues. She can count to ten just fine, but whenever asked how many of something there is she says "2,4,3". Don't get it.
She continues to be a tall girl and built like her daddy. She weighs around 35 lbs and is over 3 feet tall. I now need to buy her 4T clothing or larger.
Her vocabulary and the way she talks continues to amaze us and make us laugh all the time. We believe she is very smart! (but what parent doesn't?)
She has no real interest in anything on TV. She loves her specific movies though. At the moment her favorites continue to be Shrek 1-3, Monsters Inc., Despicable Me, and briefly we had a run of Tangled. I am considering taking her to a movie in the theater for the first time sometime soon.
She is a picky eater, but bribery goes a long way.
She completed her second series of swimming lessons and did amazing. She was one of the only ones in her class who loved to go underwater. Child has very little fear, which is probably not a good thing. Next up we are going to try a Mommy and Me dance class because she loves to dance and then I want to do swim lessons with Lyla. At the moment I think I can only handle 1 class at a time.
She is really into playing with babies. When I ask her what her baby's name is, no matter which baby, she calls her "Ellison Eberhardt". She has very much taken to Lyla's middle name for some reason and I rarely ever use Lyla's middle name.
She wears NO diapers even at night time!
Irelyn can test my patience and be a little diva at times, but she makes life so interesting and fun. If one of the Grandmas comes to take her for awhile I miss her and her ridiculousness as soon as she is gone.
On that note she is obsessed with both her Grandmas!
Irelyn loves to be outside. Loves shoes. Hates to leave them on.
Overall, yes 2 can be a little challenging, but I am loving this age and the ever expanding vocabulary that comes with it and seeing the excitement on her face when we do new things and being able to take her to fun things and activities and having her tell me "I'm excited!" with the biggest grin on her face. Love it! Love her!
Just a quick update on little Lyla. She is 6 months going on 7. We finally got to the doctor for her 6 month well child visit. She is in the 50th percentile for height and head which is still surprising to me because he sister was always much larger. Her weight is in the 70%. She is so close to crawling. Probably any day now!
She is at the age that people ask her how old she is and she says "2 and 4 and a half". I do not understand where the 4 comes from and correct here every time, but it continues. She can count to ten just fine, but whenever asked how many of something there is she says "2,4,3". Don't get it.
She continues to be a tall girl and built like her daddy. She weighs around 35 lbs and is over 3 feet tall. I now need to buy her 4T clothing or larger.
Her vocabulary and the way she talks continues to amaze us and make us laugh all the time. We believe she is very smart! (but what parent doesn't?)
She has no real interest in anything on TV. She loves her specific movies though. At the moment her favorites continue to be Shrek 1-3, Monsters Inc., Despicable Me, and briefly we had a run of Tangled. I am considering taking her to a movie in the theater for the first time sometime soon.
She is a picky eater, but bribery goes a long way.
She completed her second series of swimming lessons and did amazing. She was one of the only ones in her class who loved to go underwater. Child has very little fear, which is probably not a good thing. Next up we are going to try a Mommy and Me dance class because she loves to dance and then I want to do swim lessons with Lyla. At the moment I think I can only handle 1 class at a time.
She is really into playing with babies. When I ask her what her baby's name is, no matter which baby, she calls her "Ellison Eberhardt". She has very much taken to Lyla's middle name for some reason and I rarely ever use Lyla's middle name.
She wears NO diapers even at night time!
Irelyn can test my patience and be a little diva at times, but she makes life so interesting and fun. If one of the Grandmas comes to take her for awhile I miss her and her ridiculousness as soon as she is gone.
On that note she is obsessed with both her Grandmas!
Irelyn loves to be outside. Loves shoes. Hates to leave them on.
Overall, yes 2 can be a little challenging, but I am loving this age and the ever expanding vocabulary that comes with it and seeing the excitement on her face when we do new things and being able to take her to fun things and activities and having her tell me "I'm excited!" with the biggest grin on her face. Love it! Love her!
Just a quick update on little Lyla. She is 6 months going on 7. We finally got to the doctor for her 6 month well child visit. She is in the 50th percentile for height and head which is still surprising to me because he sister was always much larger. Her weight is in the 70%. She is so close to crawling. Probably any day now!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
It's been one week since we got back form Chicago. It was our first trip since having Lyla.
We went because my friend from when I was 2 years old was up in Michigan from Florida for her cousins wedding and offered to drive to Chicago so we could meet up. We jumped at the chance. Although, we would love to go to Florida ;).
We got nervous the whole week before because Lyla was so sick and we didn't know if it would be possible to take her and went through a lot of scenarios about what we would do, but thank GOD she improved just in the nick of time. I would have been so bummed if we all couldn't go. Jud and Erica are Irelyn's Godparents and hadn't seen her since she turned 1 and they hadn't met Lyla yet.
I planned out the timing perfectly on the way there. We kept Lyla up until we were ready to leave and she slept until we stopped for lunch. We stopped, everybody ate lunch, Iley ran around for a little while and we were off again. Lyla fell asleep again shortly after lunch and slept until we arrived in Chicago. Irelyn also fell asleep for an hour. I have never known her to sleep more than an hour in the car, so this was expected. Plus, tolls suck and woke her up. Lyla woke up a couple times to with the tolls but went right back to sleep.
We stayed in a very neat little bed and breakfast a few miles from downtown Chicago. It was in a monastery and run by the monks. It had 3 rooms and was perfect for us (except the creaky floors that kept Lyla up). Irelyn got her own room and as it turned out Lyla took over Joe and I's bed and we traded off who slept with her and who slept on the couch (or climbed in with Irelyn as I did). Oh one more problem- no cable to watch the epic Packer game on Monday night with the ending heard around the world!
The B&B was right across the street from a park so we played there and then walked around the neighborhood for a place to eat. Which we would later take our Chinese food to go due to a tired/ crabby 2 year old who decided to make it look like I was kidnapping her or something.
The next day was exciting as we took both girls on the city bus and train into the city and headed to Navy Pier. We enjoyed our morning there. Build a Bear, Ferris wheel, carousel. Unfortunately, due to everything taking longer with young kids and the time it took to transport we didn't have time for much else in the city and needed to get back for naps. But, just having time to hang out with everybody at the B&B was just fine with me and less stressful.
We went to dinner that night for real Chicago deep dish.
Jud and Erica had to leave real early the next day. We tried to go with the same plan as we had on the way there and our biggest goal was to get back in time for Irelyn's last night of swim class. It was family night and we all wanted to go with the Grandma's, but Lyla had a rough ride back, barely slept, and was too crabby. The ride home was stressful. I wanted to find the Stride Rite that looked like it was right on the way home, but turned out to be very hard to find and when we did finally find it they were out of most the sizes we needed. Dang Iley and her chunky feet. :) So, Lyla barely left, wouldn't eat well, and crabbed. Irelyn was farely good, but her constant talking and questioning "why" got a little annoying.
Overall I feel it was a good experience for our family and I was thrilled to see Erica and Jud. I don't think traveling will ever be easy with our kids at least for a long time, but we had fun and I hope to take them back some day when they are older to see more of Chicago!
We went because my friend from when I was 2 years old was up in Michigan from Florida for her cousins wedding and offered to drive to Chicago so we could meet up. We jumped at the chance. Although, we would love to go to Florida ;).
We got nervous the whole week before because Lyla was so sick and we didn't know if it would be possible to take her and went through a lot of scenarios about what we would do, but thank GOD she improved just in the nick of time. I would have been so bummed if we all couldn't go. Jud and Erica are Irelyn's Godparents and hadn't seen her since she turned 1 and they hadn't met Lyla yet.
I planned out the timing perfectly on the way there. We kept Lyla up until we were ready to leave and she slept until we stopped for lunch. We stopped, everybody ate lunch, Iley ran around for a little while and we were off again. Lyla fell asleep again shortly after lunch and slept until we arrived in Chicago. Irelyn also fell asleep for an hour. I have never known her to sleep more than an hour in the car, so this was expected. Plus, tolls suck and woke her up. Lyla woke up a couple times to with the tolls but went right back to sleep.
We stayed in a very neat little bed and breakfast a few miles from downtown Chicago. It was in a monastery and run by the monks. It had 3 rooms and was perfect for us (except the creaky floors that kept Lyla up). Irelyn got her own room and as it turned out Lyla took over Joe and I's bed and we traded off who slept with her and who slept on the couch (or climbed in with Irelyn as I did). Oh one more problem- no cable to watch the epic Packer game on Monday night with the ending heard around the world!
The B&B was right across the street from a park so we played there and then walked around the neighborhood for a place to eat. Which we would later take our Chinese food to go due to a tired/ crabby 2 year old who decided to make it look like I was kidnapping her or something.
The next day was exciting as we took both girls on the city bus and train into the city and headed to Navy Pier. We enjoyed our morning there. Build a Bear, Ferris wheel, carousel. Unfortunately, due to everything taking longer with young kids and the time it took to transport we didn't have time for much else in the city and needed to get back for naps. But, just having time to hang out with everybody at the B&B was just fine with me and less stressful.
We went to dinner that night for real Chicago deep dish.
Jud and Erica had to leave real early the next day. We tried to go with the same plan as we had on the way there and our biggest goal was to get back in time for Irelyn's last night of swim class. It was family night and we all wanted to go with the Grandma's, but Lyla had a rough ride back, barely slept, and was too crabby. The ride home was stressful. I wanted to find the Stride Rite that looked like it was right on the way home, but turned out to be very hard to find and when we did finally find it they were out of most the sizes we needed. Dang Iley and her chunky feet. :) So, Lyla barely left, wouldn't eat well, and crabbed. Irelyn was farely good, but her constant talking and questioning "why" got a little annoying.
Overall I feel it was a good experience for our family and I was thrilled to see Erica and Jud. I don't think traveling will ever be easy with our kids at least for a long time, but we had fun and I hope to take them back some day when they are older to see more of Chicago!
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