Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our Family Timeline and Irelyn's Milestones

Our Family Timeline
8-10/2005 Joe and I meet through a mutual friend and start dating
2/13/2008 Joe proposes in Riverside Park and I say "Yes"
5/2009 Joe and I purchase our first home
6/6/2009 OUR WEDDING
7/17/2009 Joe and I find out we are having a baby
3/28/2009 Our pride and joy beautiful baby girl, Irelyn Loraine is born at 2:23am

Irelyn's First Year Milestones
7/7 Belly laughs at that dog, Bella
4 1/2 months starts eating baby cereal.  First food is Peas
5 1/2 months old sits up on her own
6 months old waves at a baby while in line at Target
11/10 army crawling
11/13 claps hands
11/19 dancing
11/20 Saying "ds" Dada, duck, and cat sounds
12/23 Pulls self up to stand
12/28 crawling with belly off of floor
1/5/11 "Mama"
1/21/11 Learns how to High 5
2/19/11 First real steps and walking
3/6 Able to stand up from the floor and take off walking

Irelyn or "Iley" to her mommy and daddy is now 11 1/2 months old.  I am still in shock that she is almost 1.  Not only that she has grown so much and so fast, but also that Joe and I have been parents for a whole year!  It is true that time goes faster when you have children!
I truly believe there is a level of love that you will not truly know until you have a child.  Probably the only person you love 100% more than yourself.  The person you would without a doubt die for.  I am so incredibly blessed to have been given this amazing gift.  I try to remind myself even when she is crabby or I am crabby and sleep deprived that I can never take a single moment for granted because I wouldn't trade it for anything! 

So, as our first baby continues to get older, people start to ask when we will have another.  We haven't decided/agreed :), but if/when God does bless us with another child we will let you all know!

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