Oh little Lyla...
A few days ago when I was thinking about this post in my head, it was quite different, because now the first thing that comes to mind on this 1 month birthday of yours is the fact that you are sick and it kills me to hear you cough. I called the nurses to see if there was anything else we could do for you and of course they wanted you seen and of course it was pointless because it is just a respiratory cold that we are going to have to get through.
Anyway...You WERE eating about 4 ounces every 4 hours, but went 5-6 hours at night. Now you are eating about half of that, but maybe a little more frequently because of your cold.
In the last week you outgrew newborn clothes and into the 0-3s from Irelyn that were shrunk from the dryer (side note: I hardly dry anything anymore). But, you are very close to fitting into some of the 0-3s that are new/ not shrunk. You wear newborn diapers, but we probably won't buy anymore and move onto 1s. Since I took you into the doctor today we know you weigh 9 lbs and 15 ounces. This is the 75th percentile! That's little compared to what I am used to with your sister.
You are still a mellow and easy baby. A lot different than your sister in personality. And thank God you don't have reflux like she did! You rarely ever spit up. (Really hope I'm not jinxing us).
I was thinking of moving you out of Mommy and Daddy's room to your crib this week, but then you got sick, so that is on hold.
Sometimes, we swear you smile, but not sure. If not, they are coming soon! You are starting to "talk" and coo more and more.
You sleep ALOT! :)
You are so easy to take places because you sleep well in the car, stroller, car seat, and loud places.
You take a pacifier to soothe you, but spit it out pretty quickly.
You like to sleep swaddled at night.
You like to be held when you sleep during the day and we need to work on that ;).
You are such a joy and a blessing and add so much to our family already!
And lastly, a comparison. First pic is Irelyn. Second pic is Lyla.

Friday, April 13, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Weekend 2012
Happy Easter! He is risen!
To start off our fun Easter weekend I took Irelyn to the Easter egg hunt at Myrick park on Saturday. It was packed! We got there right before it started. Luckily, Grandma Trinie registered us. Irelyn participated in the 0-3 hunt and got lots of chocolate eggs. It was fun, but over in about 5 minutes. We listened for the winners of the drawings and met a real bunny! We missed winning the bike by 1 number. It was a ticket drawing, so that means that the people in front of my mom in line to register won. So close!
Since it was at Myrick we went down to Kids Coulee to play afterwards. Irelyn would NOT let go of her bucket of candy. We would ask her "Do you want to go down the slide?" and she would respond "Yes, with my bucket." "Do you want to swing?" "Yes, with my bucket."
On Easter Sunday we got dressed up and went to church. Grandma Shari came over with goodies before church. After church it was off to Great Grandma Betty's in Westby. Irelyn got yet another birthday celebration since we hadn't had one yet with my extended family. She also hunted eggs inside at Great-Grandma's. Then, down to Grandma Trinie's for more Easter gifts.
We love Easter! Unfortunately Lyla ended up getting the cold we all have had, but she is handling it like a champ!
To start off our fun Easter weekend I took Irelyn to the Easter egg hunt at Myrick park on Saturday. It was packed! We got there right before it started. Luckily, Grandma Trinie registered us. Irelyn participated in the 0-3 hunt and got lots of chocolate eggs. It was fun, but over in about 5 minutes. We listened for the winners of the drawings and met a real bunny! We missed winning the bike by 1 number. It was a ticket drawing, so that means that the people in front of my mom in line to register won. So close!
Since it was at Myrick we went down to Kids Coulee to play afterwards. Irelyn would NOT let go of her bucket of candy. We would ask her "Do you want to go down the slide?" and she would respond "Yes, with my bucket." "Do you want to swing?" "Yes, with my bucket."
On Easter Sunday we got dressed up and went to church. Grandma Shari came over with goodies before church. After church it was off to Great Grandma Betty's in Westby. Irelyn got yet another birthday celebration since we hadn't had one yet with my extended family. She also hunted eggs inside at Great-Grandma's. Then, down to Grandma Trinie's for more Easter gifts.
We love Easter! Unfortunately Lyla ended up getting the cold we all have had, but she is handling it like a champ!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Shrek Party
I can't believe my little (okay pretty big girl) turned 2! Where did that time go?
We decided a couple months ago to throw a Shrek themed party. She really is not into Shrek much anymore and I can't remember the last time we watched one of the movies (lately it's Despicable Me and moving on to Toy Story). But, overall I think the Shrek obsession was the most defining theme of her 2nd year of life.
Since Shrek is an older movie now there are no decorations in the stores and actually quite hard to find online as well. I found a few things on Ebay and then filled in with lots of greens from the stores to match.
The cake was made by Laura Liudahl. She was suggested by a few people and we were VERY happy with the outcome after having a hard time finding a place make a Shrek cake.
Since Lyla is so little and our lives are a little hectic right now we tried to keep the party smaller this year. Our parents and close friends with Irelyn's friends. Sadly, I did not get pictures of everyone. I don't know how things will go in the future with both girls' birthdays being so close together. I don't know if I can handle 2 parties so close together, but I also don't know that I want them to share. For the first few years it will probably be fine, but when they have their own friends I don't think they will want to share a party.
We had an egg hunt, pin the tail on the donkey, and I totally spaced and forgot to get out the pinata. I guess that will be saved for a random fun little play date or something.
Happy Birthday Irelyn! We love you very very much!
We decided a couple months ago to throw a Shrek themed party. She really is not into Shrek much anymore and I can't remember the last time we watched one of the movies (lately it's Despicable Me and moving on to Toy Story). But, overall I think the Shrek obsession was the most defining theme of her 2nd year of life.
Since Shrek is an older movie now there are no decorations in the stores and actually quite hard to find online as well. I found a few things on Ebay and then filled in with lots of greens from the stores to match.
The cake was made by Laura Liudahl. She was suggested by a few people and we were VERY happy with the outcome after having a hard time finding a place make a Shrek cake.
Since Lyla is so little and our lives are a little hectic right now we tried to keep the party smaller this year. Our parents and close friends with Irelyn's friends. Sadly, I did not get pictures of everyone. I don't know how things will go in the future with both girls' birthdays being so close together. I don't know if I can handle 2 parties so close together, but I also don't know that I want them to share. For the first few years it will probably be fine, but when they have their own friends I don't think they will want to share a party.
We had an egg hunt, pin the tail on the donkey, and I totally spaced and forgot to get out the pinata. I guess that will be saved for a random fun little play date or something.
Happy Birthday Irelyn! We love you very very much!
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