I can't believe my little (okay pretty big girl) turned 2! Where did that time go?
We decided a couple months ago to throw a Shrek themed party. She really is not into Shrek much anymore and I can't remember the last time we watched one of the movies (lately it's Despicable Me and moving on to Toy Story). But, overall I think the Shrek obsession was the most defining theme of her 2nd year of life.
Since Shrek is an older movie now there are no decorations in the stores and actually quite hard to find online as well. I found a few things on Ebay and then filled in with lots of greens from the stores to match.
The cake was made by Laura Liudahl. She was suggested by a few people and we were VERY happy with the outcome after having a hard time finding a place make a Shrek cake.
Since Lyla is so little and our lives are a little hectic right now we tried to keep the party smaller this year. Our parents and close friends with Irelyn's friends. Sadly, I did not get pictures of everyone. I don't know how things will go in the future with both girls' birthdays being so close together. I don't know if I can handle 2 parties so close together, but I also don't know that I want them to share. For the first few years it will probably be fine, but when they have their own friends I don't think they will want to share a party.
We had an egg hunt, pin the tail on the donkey, and I totally spaced and forgot to get out the pinata. I guess that will be saved for a random fun little play date or something.
Happy Birthday Irelyn! We love you very very much!
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