Monday, December 10, 2012

Irelyn's Christmas Wish List

I know I haven't posted in forever.  I am going to try and work on that.  But, I just saw something cute about having a keepsake or something to remember what your child was asking Santa for each year.  So, I am going to jot this down quick here because I am highly unlikely to make some kind of cutesy craft ala Pinterest.

Irelyn at 2 1/2 years old was asking at first for a baby and a computer.  She later added in "numbers".  No idea what that means or where it came from.  Then a couple days before we actually went to see Santa she started just saying she wants a bike.  To ride to school no less.  That is what she asked Santa for at the mall. Now every time she is asked or is asked what we should get somebody else it is always a "tooting gun".  That started when I asked her to leave her Godmother a return message on the phone about what she wanted and I expected the baby and computer response, but she said tooting gun and now that is continuing.

I will make the baby thing happen and Grandma T got her a bike for Santa.  Hopefully a portable DVD player will pass for a computer.  A 2 year old does not need a computer.  I would get her a kiddie computer, but I know she would get bored with it in 2 seconds and that's not really what she wants because she plays with my phone (knows how to work the apps-it's scary) and we look at YouTube together on my computer. She is getting plenty of other great toys as well.  I know she will probably love it all.  This Christmas may make some of her first memories, so I'm trying to make it a good one!  Of course not with all presents, but fun family things and traditions that we will hopefully continue for a long time to come.   AND teaching her why we celebrate Christmas and keeping Christ in Christmas.  I'm not a big fan of having to just call it the Holidays now.  I will call it Christmas thank you very much.  We got out her Little People Nativity and she just loves to play with that.  Makes me very happy to see.

I attempted to do Gingerbread houses, but that just turned out not so great.  At least now I have somewhat of an idea to what I am doing.

We went to see Santa.  Irelyn was sooo excited, but then got a little shy when it came actual time to sit on his lap.  She ended up doing well after a little convincing that it was fine. Lyla wailed.

We have been cutting our Christmas tree down at Lamke's for the past 3 or 4 years.  This year I pushed the girls in a stroller rather than a sled because at the time there was no snow.  The next day came 6 inches of snow! Although I think it is fun to do in the snow, I'm glad we didn't have to this year because it would have been quite difficult to pull them in a sled on those hills.

Typically Christmas Eve is spent at my Grandma's, but this year I have to work so we will go there on the 22nd.  Joe's brother and girlfriend will be in town from Montana and we will have a Christmas celebration with them and my in-laws on the evening of the 20th.  Christmas Eve we will do Church and maybe my Mom and Dad's for a bit.  Christmas day both my parents and Joe's parents come to our house and we spend the day at home.  We are also heading to a Packer game on the 23rd with Joe's brother and girlfriend that I am very excited about.  First time to Lambeau for me!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I'm sure I will post again after Christmas of how everything goes.  It is Lyla's first Christmas after all!