Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The News You Have Probably Been EXPECTING

YES!  We are having another baby!

Although apparently most people have already figured that out from my facebook ramen noodle post a few weeks ago. :)  And I have told most people who I see regularly.
I took the top one first because it was a left over.  I bought the second one to confirm and wanted to see the digital read out for fun.

I found out at exactly 5 weeks.  We were not "trying" yet, but we were going to and I mainly took the test to see when we could start trying.  (sorry if that is a over share). 
When we had decided we were going to have another I pictured myself coming up with some cute way to tell Joe, but I never came up with anything.  Then, when it happened I couldn't keep it to myself and I woke him up with Irelyn and said "tell Daddy you are going to be a big sister" his response "ha, really?",  Typical Joe.  We kept it to ourselves for about a week before we told our parents.  We told our parents by putting Irelyn in this shirt.  It took both Grandma's a little while to notice it but they both eventually did.  I remember my mom's response clearly, though she denies it.  It was "uh oh".  Then she said "does that mean- someday??"  Yes, mom about 8 months from now someday :).  Joe's mom had actually carried Irelyn downstairs and we were upstairs when she noticed and she SCREAMED "Excuse me, what is on my granddaughter's shirt?" it was very cute. 

Doesn't she look excited!

I waited until I heard Irelyn's heartbeat to share with the internet world and I did the same with this baby.  We heard it this morning.  I have to admit I got a little scared because it took her a little longer than I recall to find it and I was worried it wasn't there :(.  But it was!!  Good and strong.  I chose to go back to the same midwife I saw during my last pregnancy.  She was so bubbly and excited to see us.  She even talked to us about where we would put our next tattoos since we both have one for Irelyn.  Joe knows, but I still haven't figured out what I am going to do about that.
Sorry, this is not a great picture of my tattoo, but its the best I could find at the moment

I went in with 3 questions.  1) What is safe to take for allergies? A. Claritin, but really anything since I am now in my 2nd trimester.  (but I am still going to try and take nothing).  2) Do I need to worry more about this baby because Irelyn and I have different blood types? (she is A+ and I am A-).  A. No.  I was tested and do not have antibodies because of the shots I got during her pregnancy and will receive the same this time.  3) Can I got to Florida in January?!? A. Probably, but we will have to see how it goes.  Do not anticipate it to be a problem.  I really hope we can for a lot of reasons, but one being I have never spent more than 1 night away from Irelyn and I would like to have a really nice kid free vacation before things get even harder.

So, speaking of harder... Yes I am nervous to have 2, but also very excited.  No we do not care if it is a boy or girl, but it seems like a lot of our friends and family are hoping for a boy which is understandable since we already have a girl.  My intuition says its a girl though.  We will find out in October!  I am eager to learn the sex, but I am so far in no real hurry to get to March.  I keep thinking I have more time than I actually do to figure things out.  I am just going to enjoy the next 6-7 months with my 1 baby before the chaos begins! 

I felt really good for the first 8 weeks and stupidly thought I had escaped any sickness.  While since then I have not felt all that well and most food is unappealing.  I asked Joe one morning if he heard how many times I 'got sick' and that I even was in the back yard 'getting sick' on my way out the door.  His wonderfully sweet (sarcasm) response "Not on my new rocks, right?" Oh my.  No sympathy this time around. But, knock on wood, it does seem to be getting better.  My mom gave me this awesome card about a week ago.  It sums it up perfectly. 

I know I had more to write, but I think I will leave it at that for now.  I'm sure I will have many more posts and updates along the way and am glad to be able to share with any of you who read this! :)

Take Care!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bayfield- August 26-28, 2011

My sister moved to Three Lakes about 6 months ago.  We hadn't seen her for awhile and she suggested we come up to go "camping".  Well, if you know me, you know I don't really do "camping".  (However, I would possibly go camping if it was the right situation and I hope to some day when we have older kids). 
Anyway, she suggested we meet in Bayfield, WI because it is really beautiful.  She was right.  By default I was in charge of finding lodging.  I googled and found a wonderful rental cabin.  I was going by what the website said and pictures and I must say (and I think I speak for us all) it was awesome.  I did good. :). 

I was nervous for the 5 hour ride with a 1 1/2 year old.  This was the farthest she had ever been from home.  My mom rode with us and sat by her which was VERY helpful.  Irelyn did quite well.  She read, slept, sang songs, and snacked.  Actually the sleeping was minimal, which was kind of a bummer and unexpected, but oh well.  I went with a "go with the flow" attitude all weekend.
We spent the first night walking around the town, shopping, eating, and getting ice cream.  Then, back to the cabin to enjoy it! 

Our only full day there we rode the ferry (with the car) to Madeline Island. 

Spent the day on the beach and at Tom's Burned Down Cafe.  The water was a little cold, but clear and beautiful!

Then back to the cabin :).  Irelyn makes great entertainment for everybody. 

On Sunday we slept in a little (8AM!), checked out, and headed to the cute little park on the water. 

After that, Irelyn was starting to melt down and would not allow us to sit and eat at a restaurant (after 2 failed attempts).  We ordered food to go and sat and ate in the park.  We said goodbye to auntie Rachel and we left for home. Irelyn was sleeping within oh 3 minutes.  She again slept only 1 hour and 15 minutes in the car and was a little more difficult to keep entertained all the way back, but she found her feet and we made it :). 

Great time.  Great Place.  Great Family.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Potty and Paci

Our little girl is growing up so fast!

First, the potty. 
Ok, I have barely even started thinking about how to potty train her, but I have to share a funny story.  Last night right before bed Irelyn runs into the bathroom and starts yanking on the toilet seat trying to open it.  We put a lock on it months ago because she had started playing in the water while she hangs out with me while I get ready.  The lock has never bothered her before and she doesn't try to open the lid with it on.  She sometimes pulls on the lock to try and climb up onto the toilet but that's it.  So, anyway it was odd of her to be whining about opening it.  First, I ignore.  Then, I think, she is showing interest so I shouldn't ignore it.  I open it and set her on the seat, but don't pull her pants down or take the diaper off.  WELL, the girl starts bearing down like she is gonna poop and then a little fart comes out.  I am shocked and quickly remove the diaper.  She continues to push a little, relax, push, relax, but nothing comes out and her attention span passes.  But, I thought it was pretty cool that she did all that even if nothing came of it!

And the paci....
It actually seemed all too easy. We are just about done with it!  Our Super babysitter actually led the way on this one.  I was trying to cut back on the use, but wasn't going to really worry about getting rid of it until 18 months.  But she started going all day without using it at day care, so we went with it.  We are pretty much down to just night time now!  And even that I don't know that she needs it, but I have discovered throughout this that Joe and I are possibly more reliant on that thing than Irelyn is.  A couple times she has somehow found one and even then she stuck it in her mouth for a couple sucks and then handed it to us or one time I saw her reach up and set it on the counter. Thanks Sara for the kick to get rid of it!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

15 month Pics

Yes, Irelyn is almost 17 months, but I just picked up her 15 month prof. pics.  If you read this blog, this is the photoshoot that was tough on all of us.  Irelyn was really tired and we had just come from the doctor's office.  Fortunately, the photographer is WONDERFUL and you would never know any of that.  She gave me 80 beautiful pictures of my little sweetheart.  Here are just a few for your viewing pleasure.  I will post more to facebook soon :).

The grapes were a ploy to try and keep her happy.  Worked.